Sunday 16 September 2012

Words cannot say... (and also guys...)

If you know me, you probably saw my Facebook status from earlier... I shall copy and paste it just for everyone's sake, though.
"Honestly, she has no words that can say what she wants to express. Our God is just such an AMAZING God. ♥ People say it a lot, but that's because that is the best we can do to try and do Him justice. Really, though, that does not even begin to do Him any justice. He has given us life; no strings attached. We can never pay Him back for it, but we can give our lives to Him and let them be for Him....
Starting right here, and right now, she is committing to do her best to live every moment from here on in for God, without whom she wouldn't have a life to live. Yes, she's been a Christian for a while - it's not like this is a new thing or any of her commitment before was false - but she's taking this commitment to a new level. This is going on Facebook as a public proclamation so that you all know this and can help hold her to this. Don't be lukewarm for God; be hot or cold (Revelation 3:16). She wants to be on fire and burning up... ♥"
Well, that's said most of what I wanted to put on here anyways, haha. (and yes, the "she" my status speaks of is me)
One area of my life I am particularily deciding is going to God is boys. I've gotten to a point where I am just not gonna' look for the right guy anymore, and trust that God will send him to me. Even, I have decided never again am I telling a guy my feelings first. If a guy thinks I'm worth it, he'll talk to me first...
Also, I have decided on a clear sign in terms of if I know God wants me and the person to be together. I have told two people to hold me accountable to sitcking to that. That way, I can't change for my heart if it falls out of alignment with what God wants.
Recently, I realized something... I don't think I'm going to fall for a guy right off the bat... I will probably end up loving God in them before I start to fall for them..... and honestly I would love to have the same happen for me. I would love for a guy to fall for God in me before he falls for me.... Plus, even then that would show me that if he loved me for God in me, he really loves God.
I've actually recently really been learning what I want in guys. I haven't written down a concrete list... in that case I think I'd follow it too closely... but I know better now what I want in my future husband... which is important because you date in the intention of marriage, really, since when you date you break up or get married. If you plan on breaking up, well, don't date obviously, and if you/they/both of you don't agree you're gonna' get married, end things before you become more attached.
Anyways, that was slightly off topic from what I wanted to say. What I wanted to say ties in with wanting a guy who is on fire for God. In church today, while we took up offering, the worship team kept playing. There were two young guys/men (my age/a year or two older) on the team and they were really worshipping with all they are; you could see it by looking at them. My mom randomly leans over and whispers to me something along the lines of "I see those young men up there worshipping with all their hearts... and I know God has a guy like that for you." I am not ashamed to say I honestly broke down crying. Recently, I've had a LOT of trouble beleiveing God has a guy for me. After one relationship I ended I thought I'd blown my only chance. I know better now. I am trusting God to send along the right guy at the right time. A guy who will love God more than me and understand that I will always love God more than anyone in my life (even if it's because he is in the same shoes). I'll admit my heart's still like "the sooner the better, God! I want to really know this guy well before I marry him!" but I am trusting. I can't wait 'til that guy finds me, and, in his being on fire for God, helps me to be more so!
For now, I honestly am in a majorly and incurably good mood. ☺My life is now for God alone. ♥

My message to you all, from a song; SHINE LIKE THE STARS!

God bless! ♥


  1. Beautifully said! You are so wise to invest in God and not the things of the world. It will lead to a marriage filled with God's blessing. It won't be never is, but it will be blessed! You have great wisdom in this and I will be praying for you to keep following God first. If we can get the first things first, then all the second and third things fall in line. God bless you!

  2. Thank you! Haha I am trying! Whenever I try and take it back, I start to drop it, rather forcing me to give it back to God. And I do certainly know that. If you could be perfect by beign with another, it'd eliminate the need for God to make us whole. BIG problem in that. Sin has made us broken, relationships included. It's simple a fact of, well, life. Thank you! God bless!!!!!

  3. Dear Em,
    So full of hopes and longings. May God fulfill each one beyond your wildest imagination! You are a treasure of solid gold for any prince fortunate enough to win your heart. If he seems slow in coming, be patient; God's timing is always perfect.

    1. Haha yeaaahhhh... growing up reading fantasy novels does that to a girl. hee hee :) I hope He does... D'aw thanks <3 I know! I am learing to be patient. It's hard, but it's getting easier. :)
