Sunday 9 September 2012

Sundaaaayyyyy :)

Well, in case it's not evident, it's Sunday! :) (also, heads up, sorry, but this is a long post :P ) Can I start by just saying I LOVE Sundays! :) Sure school's tomorrow, but church is today! Woot! Yeah, call me crazy if you wish, but I get excited for church (that's not saying I wouldn't prefer if it was later so I could sleep innnnnn  :p ). I don't see why not to get excited! We have (by we I mean everyone, but it's recognized by christians) an AMAZING God. Like, words don't even start to describe/explain. Even the fact that He put SOOOO much on my mind out of one sermon today. I honestly sat down to blog and was like "Ok... now, I can't write a novel, so how the hay am I supposed to pick just ONE thing to blog about." Well, since it is my blog, and kind of supposed to, in a way, be about me, I kind of mostly settled on one thing.

The people who are reading this and know me know I've been having a bit of a rough time with some stuff going on. They also know that God's been really coming through clearly to me. It's almost like the harder things are for me, the more clearly I can hear God and what He's trying to say. So, recently, God's been coming through pretty clear. Even that fact that He sent along a really amazing friend (more like an additional sibling. And, if she's reading this, which she probs will, love ya' sis! <3 ) as well as a rather unexpected friend. I just want to say, they've both been an amazing help to me, whether they know it or not. When you're in a rough patch, it helps SOOOOO incredibly much just to know that there are people who care. I mean, sure we all "know" people care, but, it means so much more when they take the time to bother to show it, even if it's simply by asking if you're okay. I mean, time is precious. Once you lose it or spend it, you can't get it back. So, I would say certainly one of the most precious gifts you can give to someone, is your time. Getting back on track, though..... God's been amazing to me, recently. Most of the reason I'm having a rough time is because I tend to be able to forgive anyone without a second thought... anyone except myself. And I feel like I've been really messing up a lot recently. I can't seem to forgive myself for it. Fortunately, God has also been helping me to see that I need to forgive myself and I can, especially because He already has.

Yesterday, I went to get my bangs trimmed (they turned out a bit short for my liking but ah well XD ). I was NOT expecting to get a chance to witness to 3 women. I mean, how often, when you're getting your bangs trimmed, does your hairdresser inquire about your school, and upon finding out it's a Christian highschool, ask more about it. We had a really great discussion. As it turns out, the one lady is catholic. She has a daughter with dyslexia who began cutting because she was bullied so badly. So, she switched her out of her public highschool and into a catholic highschool. However, the problems continued. She is now, after out conversation, considering my highschool. I truly find it amazing how God can use normal circumstances to let us witness. Even, the fact that I'm not a preacher or anything. I'm a normal teen girl who has messed up loads and still makes stupid mistakes like she doesn't know any better. I'm not exactly an ideal person to use to witness. In fact, I tend to feel I don't deserve to have God use me for His plans. I wonder why he doesn't use someone "better" than me. Yet, I've realized, God uses people like me to prove that anyone can be orchestrated into His plan. You just need a real desire to work for Him as well as a love for Him, and He will bless you for it. Also, well, it's extremely encouraging to know that even when you are having trouble, you can still bless other people around you. :)

To sum it up, as the Relient K song Falling Out says ( "I'm out, here way beyond: The shadow, of a doubt; But I know, I'm never falling out; Of favor with You". God will ALWAYS love us, no matter how much we mess up.

One last thought. DON'T BE AFRAID. If you're fearing, you're not truly trusting God. You can only really trust God and find a real peace when you decide not to fear anymore. Isaish 41:10 makes it pretty clear. "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." You can't truly be the light God wants you to be until you learn not to hide your shine. :)

So, go on out there and shine! You're all amazinggggg and you'd better not forget it!
Untilll next time, God bless! (well, I hope God always blesses you but you get the point XD )


  1. I GOT A FREAKING SHOUT OUT! <3 Love ya too :)

    1. Lolol of course you did! You completely deserve it! <3 lol :)
