Friday 21 September 2012

Life and Writing Songs

Well, I haven't posted since the 16th.... or, Sunday..... not as an excuse, but as a reason; double-module ILC week. I JUST finished and it was due by midnight tonight. So, relaxing a bit now... even though I found out next week coming up is gonna' be another double week...  But, well, I got through this one I am sure I can survive the next... XD

So, well, I've been doing a LOT of thinking lately about a LOT of topics. Now, for me, one way I tend to process my thoughts is by writing poetry/song lyrics. So, well, I was in a really amazing place spiritually this weekend, and, right now, I can NOT get enough of God... Like, I go to a Christian school, two youth groups, and church... the only day I am without Him in some area being taught about him is Saturday. So, I have decided Saturday will be my work day. I will do ALL (or as much as I can out of all) my work on Saturdays. This way, I can focus on God on Sunday. Also, I have been having trouble keeping my thoughts on God... instead I find them straying to other things such as stressing over school, the latest videogame, boys, etc. I am right now trying to get my heart and brain back check following God wholly and keep them there. It's hard. But, well, here's a song I wrote to do with it (a few lines are off, even if I still like ther version, because I wrote it on the bus this morning and it seems to have jumped out of my pocket between then and now... XD ). I am certain it has FAR more significance to me, because I know what each small detail means, since I also know what it is based on... but, well, I hope you enjoy. (also, I know it seems it doesn't fully rhyme properly, but it does how I sing it, and it was written to be a song, so, yeah...)

Live For You Alone Completely

She chokes down tears and swallows down fears
She doesn't even know the words she needs to hear
Maybe a simple "I love you" could turn her world around
But for now she sits - her tearstained face turned to the ground
He knows her shoes just all to well for him
He feels like his world has just stopped, crashing in
And yet, though they are both many miles away
They are both crying out the same thing to You today
I wanna' live for You alone completely
Not afraid or ashamed to wear my heart on my sleeve
With a cross 'round my neck; imaginary halo overhead
I wanna' be walking, oh, both living and yet dead
She smiles to hide the pain that she feels inside
 To keep up the act of her lies of "No, I'm fine."
But she wonders if she'll make it through this week
Her life seem to be dull, so sad, so bleak
He cries because he sits and knows she's lost
Though they used to be in love, or so they thought
But now he kneels for if he stood he'd surely fall
And they both cry out to the Lord of all
I give you my heart; all of the broken pieces
I give you my desires take my dreams and wishes
I give you my life that You'll use it for your name
And I ask that in this moment you will grow me through this pain
The End
Well, yeah... that's about it... some of you will better understand than others what this means to me and what it's about... but I hope you like. Now if I could only write guitar chords or piano music for it... XD

For now, I'm out. Bedtime because I am exhausted from a rather long week.
God bless!!!!!!!!

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