Monday 1 October 2012

October! :D


Yeah, so I kind of love October, in case that wasn't clear. The artsy side gets the best of me and so I adore the fall colors. Also, I love the temperature. It's not too hot or cold; just comfortable. However, probs my top reason; IT HAS MY BIRTHDAY! :D Yeuuupp! 30 days til Halloweeeeeeen! :D And, this year, it's my Sweet Sixteen! :D

But, well, the fact it's October is only part of the reason I am in such a gosh-darned good mood. Some other small contributors are things like I have no homework, my Doctor Who epsideos SHOULD be on the way soon, I am going out to dinner with my fam tonight, and I feel pretty confident about my two upcoming tests at school.

Biggest reason for my being happy, though: G. O. D. Yeup :) God <3 Just saying, He has made my life SO amazing. And, well, recently I have been REALLY trying to go further in my faith, and God is definetly meeting me on that! :D I have seen some super cool stuff going on, recently. Probably the biggest one of these, is that fact that there's a guy who I have known since, like, kindergarten, He's pretty darned awesome. Like, smart, funny, has awesome music and movie tastes, and well I could go on for a while about him. I know that sounds SUPER weird, but, yeah, he's like a brother to me. (haha say fam-zoned if you want but he has a girlfriend he's been with for about 2 and 1/2 years who he's super happy with so don't go getting any wrong ideas about him and I haha :P ). But, to the point; he's an atheist. And, well, since I left that school where we went together, I have been hoping and praying he'll convert (no pressure since I know you're reading this lol :). A few Sundays ago at church, we spent some time individually just praying for unsaved people we know. I WAS BAWLING MY EYES OUT IN MINUTES. There are SO many people I want so badly to be saved. I mean, badly enough that, well, if I could give my life for them to believe, I would. Now, this guy got into 3SN (AMAZING CHANNEL ON LIFE FROM SAT AT 9PM til SUNDAY AT 2AM :D BE WARNED IT IS ALL HARDCORE/AMAZING MUSIC :P ) the night before that service. It's a Christian station, so, well, even that thrilled me. Then, this weekend I invited him to try out my youth group; I'll be honest I was expecting a "Uh, no... sorry... too weird..." and instead, I got a maybe :D Sure it's not a yes, but well, it's better than no. I honestly wanted to go dance around my room (I didn't for the record lol :P ). So, well, now I'm praying God will let it fall into place that he can come (again, since I know you're reading this, no pressure ;)  ).

That's just one of a few ways I've seen God working in the lives of people around me. All of it has me T.H.R.I.L.L.E.D! :D

Also, as a note, in the first time for a LONG time, today is the first day I've been feeling truly at peace about some stuff that's been going on in my life (mainllyyyyy guys....).

Well, I have to go (school is over soon and I have to get offffff and pack upppp)! And I was gonna' do this later but I am out tonight to celebrate my cousin's birthday! :D

So, I'm praying for you all! Maybe God will use these blogs for His glory in your life. :)

God bless!