Monday 28 October 2013

Baggy Sweater Days

Yes, that's how I will title my return post. I recently realized I won't commit to a regular posting on this blog, but blogging helps me sift through the grains of sand that beach my mind, so that I may pick through it and make sense of it.
I will also warn you that YES I am a Christian. But YES I am also a human being. This means my blog may reflect elements of my own human nature and sin, although I will always try and glorify God at the end of it. So, if you can't handle a far-from-perfect Christian and her thoughts on life, I suggest you don't continue to read this blog in future.

So today was a baggy sweater day. It was a Monday morning. After a long-weekend. Sounds like it'd be fine, but I have managed to once again overcommit myself to things and end up very overwhelmed. I additionally am one of those people who just has responsibilities dumped on them like slop on pigs - the difference being the pigs are happy about the slop and I am often just stressed by the responsibilities. I had a lovely cry-fest about it all on Sunday afternoon. Then I had to get up after not being able to sleep (that's what happens when I get emotional - that's why I'm here blogging now - to vent so I feel better). Then I had about a million and one things to remember. So when I knew it was coming, I put on the biggest, softest, baggiest sweater I own and wore that. It was a baggy sweater day. I needed to wear something that I could just be warm, comfy, cozy, and safe in. Something like a baggy sweater. And it was a new one. So it hadn't had all that beautiful new-sweater-fuzz washed off yet so it was super soft.

Now, it started as a baggy sweater day. However, I came out of it head high and sleeves rolled up. Smile on my face and I couldn't stop chatting about how things had fallen beautifully into place in a lot of stuff I've got going on. It really ended up being a good day. God just snapped in some puzzle pieces I had managed to lose, and now I'm starting to see things come together. I am so thankful to Him for that.

So, I should be off now. I feel much better now that I have outputted some of my thoughts here - where I can return to them later to expand on further if I wish - and should get some sleep. Big physics test tomorrow and a lot of small tasks I gotta' remember to do - they all add up fast!

God bless you all!

PS. Baggy sweater pic - for anyone who was wondering.

1 comment:

  1. Your baggy sweater days are my comfortable hooded sweatshirt days.
